Cosmetic treatments
Discover what we can do for your beauty
Azelac – for rosacea with pimples. Enlarged blood vessels. Post-inflammatory discolouration.
Salipeel LIC – for skin with inflammatory acne. Cystic acne. Severe seborrhea and keratosis. Acne scarring. Regulates production of sebum.
DNA Recovery Peel – for skin with advanced photoaging. Sun damage repair. To prevent skin discoloration.
Ferulac system – for sun-damaged skin, moderate photoaging. Improves firmness and density. Reduces discoloration due to hormonal changes and sun damage.
Retises Yellow Peel – for treatment of acne, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation. Improves elasticity of the skin. Anti-aging and enriching. Nourishes the skin and prevents the appearance of wrinkles.
Stimulates the skin.
Ses-Retinal Peel -
to treat melasma, hyperpigmentation, acne, sensitive skin. Anti-aging.
TRX – for skin affected by sun spots – melasma; hyperpigmentation due to acne, saggy skin. Contraindications: skin inflammation, chemotherapy, dermatoses.
MELASPEEL R – fast-acting treatment. For skin that needs brightening, firming, lifting. Fantastic results with microneedling.
Damage to the hydro-lipid layer causes dehydration leading to dry, irritated skin, discomfort and tightness, cracking, burning and micro-injuries. Thalgo’s innovative and unique Cold Cream Marine formula nourishes and soothes dry delicate skin, provides long-lasting hydration and increases the tolerance threshold of sensitive skin.
Price: PLN 260. Treatment duration: 70 minutes.
This THALGO ritual is the first wrinkle treatment to combine 3 kinds of hyaluronic acid and marine pro-collagen using Roller Boosters. Results are visible after the first treatment session. Signs of skin aging are removed and even established wrinkles appear less obvious. Instant results are thanks to the application of three hyaruloric acids with different weights which moisturize and smooth the skin, stimulate the production of hyarulonic acid in the skin and activate cellular regeneration. Small hyarulonic acid molecules and marine pro-collagen activate the synthesis of type I, III and IV collagen and hyarulonic acid in order to gradually refill wrinkles which become more defined and permanent over time. The specially developed Dermastim+ massage using rollers leads to visibly smoother, replenished, and younger-looking skin.
Price: PLN 380. Treatment duration: 90 minutes.
Healthy and young-looking skin depends on how resistant it is to aggressive external factors. The first signs of aging start to appear from the age of 25. However, city living (pollution, tiredness, stress) leads to premature skin aging. In reality, 80% of aging is due to environmental stress. This promotes oxidative stress that produces free-radicals and toxins in the skin. Persistent fatigue on a physical and cellular level contributes to lower energy metabolism. The body regenerates slower and skin becomes tired and less resistant, losing its glow and healthy colour, wrinkles begin to appear. This spirulina-based treatment provides a real boost of energy and evens out fine lines. Skin appears smoother, rested, oxygenated and radiant.
Redness Stop System Therapy – recommended for vascular skin, for all ages. Assists skin protection, strengthens blood vessels, soothes and moisturizes. Reduces rosacea and visible blood vessels, strengthens the protective barrier. Heals and calms the skin. Recommended as a single beauty treatment session or an intensive series of 4 – 6 treatments, performed once a week.
Price: PLN 200. Treatment duration: 60 minutes.
Growth Factor Technology -
Recommended for skin that requires intensive regeneration to combat loss of elasticity and firmness, acne scarring, following post-chemical peels or invasive aesthetic medicine treatments. Intensive regeneration stimulation results in anti-aging effect at a cellular level. Smoothes skin structure, improves elasticity, reduces fine lines and wrinkles. Reduces acne scarring. Recommended as a single beauty session or an intensive rejuvenating treatment consisting of 6-10 treatments. When a microneedling treatment is involved, a 14-day break between treatments is recommended.
PRICE: from PLN 285. Treatment duration: 90 minutes
Microbiome Spectrum Therapy –
Recommended for skin that is very demanding, sensitive, overreactive, allergic, prone to extreme dryness or atopic. For when skin balance has been disrupted due to dermatological therapy as well as cosmetic treatments.
Strengthens the skin’s protective barrier by rebalancing the skin’s microbiota and rebuilding the hydrolipid layer. Deeply moisturizing, skin becomes smoother and scaling is less visible. Soothes and regenerates. Recommended as a single revitalising treatment or an intensive series of 8 -10 sessions to strengthen the skin: once a week over the course of a month, followed by a two-week break, then again once a week for a month. For a long-lasting effect, repeat the treatment once a month.
Cost: PLN 250. Treatment duration: 90 minutes.
Beauty LiftoLogy –
For mature skin with visible wrinkles and slack facial contours. Skin affected by photoaging, dryness, loss of firmness. A non-invasive alternative to anti-aging treatments in aesthetic medicine. Delays the aging process and improves the facial oval. Revitalising, improves skin density, reduces fine lines and furrows, tightens and smoothes. Skin glows thanks to oxygenation and moisturisation. Recommended as a single beauty session or an intensive rejuvenating series comprising of 6 -10 treatment sessions. With microblading, a 14-day break between sessions is advised.
Cost: 350 PLN. Treatment duration: 90 minutes.
Lifts and shapes mature skin. An effective rejuvenating injection which results in an immediate lifting effect, rejuvenates the face contour, evens out a double chin. Helps to slow time and regain a youthful look. The treatment is enhanced by a shaping massage using the Morpho Cup. Suggested treatment schedule is a series of 5 -10 sessions, once or twice a week or a single session. For long-lasting, results the treatment should be repeated once a month.
The Ella Bache guarantee: lifted face contours, signs of aging reduced thanks to improved skin firmness. Effective delayed aging and rejuvenated-looking skin.
Cost: PLN 290. Treatment duration: 90 minutes.
Tomato Glow Face –
A facial treatment to refresh and beautify, inspired by the latest techniques combining dermo-aesthetic solutions. Suitable for all skin-types that show signs of aging, and dull, tired and slack skin. A pleasant treatment with immediate visible results. Skin is radiant, refreshed, and glowing. RESULTS: radiant, smooth, hydrated and glowing skin, fine lines reduced.
Cost: PLN 300. Treatment duration: 70 minutes.
Microneedling is an effective way to introduce active ingredients into the skin.
Skin is tighter, firmer and fine lines disappear; discoloured patches become invisible within a few sessions.
The results are visible after the first Dermapen session. For the first 2-3 days the skin will be red and very irritated. Once this stage passes differences are noticeable, although the final result may take up to three months to emerge depending on your skin, any skin problems and the type of needles used in the treatment.
OXY ABRASION – one of the most universal treatments! Reduces fine lines, brightens the skin and eliminates grey discoloured patches, pores are less visible, skin is firmer, and hydration improved. Acts as an antiseptic and brings great results in the treatment of adolescent acne and rosacea. Results are visible after one treatment session. The treatment provides effective and safe exfoliation of the epidermis, which means it is suitable even for vascular, delicate and sensitive skin.
It may be combined with other treatments which allows for better infusion of serums applied in subsequent sessions.
Hydrogen purification cleansing is recommended for mature, grey, tired skin, with discoloured patches, acne and clogged pores. It is deep cleansing, nourishing, oxygenating, revitalising and anti-aging.
During the treatment hydrogen particles which neutralize free radicals that cause skin to age are introduced under the skin. Hydrogen cleansing leads to electroporation that opens channels in the skin. Deep layers of the skin are then accessible.
Results are visible after just one treatment session. A glowing, radiant face. When applied regularly this treatment brings beautiful results.
Traditional manual facial skin cleansing is the removal of blackheads, bumps and excess sebum. In order to enlarge pore openings and allow better cleansing the following can be applied: a softening mask, microdermabrasion, oxy abrasion, poly abrasion treatments, skin-appropriate acids. This treatment is the most often requested session in our salon, being that it is the basis for skin care! Without this treatment even the best applied make-up with the top cosmetics will be disappointing.
Thermolifting is an excellent alternative to invasive treatments in aesthetic medicine. A classic facelift involves inconveniences for the patient such as the need for a general anaesthetic and a long healing time, restricting what the patient is able to do. The Rubica Thermofrax RF device provides fast results and a short recovery period. The patient can return to their normal lives the very next day.
A Thermolifting procedure involves anaesthetising the surface of the skin to be treated and then introducing very fine needles to a depth of 0.5 – 3.00 mm, simultaneously combining the skin puncturing process with the emission of radiowaves which heats the surface of the skin around the needles. Thermolifting uses the regenerative abilities of the body. The puncturing of the skin together with the heat leads to partial damage to the skin structure which in turn stimulates regeneration. New, normal tissue is created in place of the damaged tissue.
There are numerous indications for this procedure regarding the facial area as well as the body skin treatments. Thermofrax RF is perfect for lifting the skin of the face, neck and cleavage. Stretch marks can be removed quickly, more effectively than other methods used so far. Furthermore, the device has shown to be effective in the treatment of wrinkles and scar removal and may be applied to treat excessive sweating. It is important to remember that this procedure is not suitable for women who are pregnant, for those with skin diseases or metal implants such as pacemakers.
Poly abrasion - removes dead skin cells that have earlier been softened with LIGHT PEELING acids or ENZYME EXFOLIANT. Brightens discolorations, smoothes the skin surface, cleanses the hair and sebaceous openings, improves how the skin absorbs cosmetics. Safe and intensive removal of dead skin cells. Delicate stimulation of the skin during micromassage.
Recommended for skin with an excessively keratinized epidermis, oily skin with high sebum secretion and fine wrinkles. Poly abrasion cleanses the skin following over exposure to the sun, and acne, scarring and discoloured patches. Grey and tired skin appears radiant.
Biorevitalisation treatment stimulating the skin. Light Peeling acids or Enzyme Exfoliant are used to remove the epidermal barrier together with controlled micro-needling impulses. This procedure invigorates and stimulates the epidermis and increases its permeability allowing highly concentrated ingredients of appropriate particle size penetrate in higher concentrations. Stimulates circulation and regenerative processes such as collagen production. An immediate effect is the thickening of the epidermis. Recommend for thin, sagging, delicate skin, with acne scars and fine wrinkles. Regenerates and stimulates skin renewal.
Effective mechanical removal of dead skin which immediately regains its glow. Skin is radiant, bright, small blackheads removed. Microdermabrasion can be performed as a single treatment or in preparation for the next stage in a treatment process. In combination with manual cleansing, chemical acids, cocktails to nourish and brighten the skin, microdermabrasion brings spectacular and permanent results.
With our VPL laser we can offer laser hair removal, treat enlarged pores and blood vessels, rosacea, sun damage and acne.
Following such a treatment, the skin needs time to regenerate, for complete healing and… visible results. Although with treated blood vessels the results are immediate. Electrocoagulation permits the removal of warts, fibromas, and closure of individual blood vessels. During the procedure a high frequency and temperature of approx. 200 degrees Celsius are used.
Are you looking for a safe way to pierce your ears? You’ve come to the right place!
The BLOMDAHL system uses two guns simultaneously, and it only takes a moment. The BLOMDAHL method is faster, safer and more comfortable for a child.
Select your earrings, which come in hygienically sealed packaging, from a wide range of colours. Our earrings are made of medical plastic or medical titanium both of which contain 0% nickel, are hypoallergenic and have been medically tested by medical dermatologists. Blomdahl earrings are special, having been specifically designed to facilitate the healing process and make it easy to insert normal earrings later on.
Done properly, permanent make-up should emphasize a woman’s beauty and bring out the most in her eyes. For this reason, we offer two professional methods.
Also known as feathering or the Japanese method, it is the most natural method of eyebrow reconstruction. It has a growing number of fans as it perfectly imitates real hairs and can shape eyebrows perfectly too.
Recommended for people who would like:
* perfectly regular eyebrows
* to correct imperfections and fill in missing hairs in the eyebrow line
* recreate/fill in eyebrows following an illness
Powder ombre is a method suited to those ladies who want to highlight their eyes in a natural way, achieve a delicately darkened, defined eyebrow line with a regular shape. A special pen with a very fine needle is used, pigment is spread from the roots, the line darkening towards the ends.
Anaesthesia on the area is required during the procedure in order to keep pain to a minimum and ensure a comfortable experience.
Got a special occasion coming up? A gala dinner or wedding perhaps? Enhance your beauty for the great event! Make-up that is perfectly match to the special occasion, your outfit and the circumstances improves your self-confidence and makes you feel unique.
Every day we use subdued colours to delicately highlight our eyes or lips, to keep a subtle balance.
For a special occasion we may dare to go bolder, select colours to emphasize our eyes and shape with perfect contouring. Make-up should reflect the character, personality and uniqueness of our client’s beauty.
If you are not sure whether to go for strong eyes or lips, or a look that’s more daring than usual, we suggest a trial make-up session a few days before the main event that will help you decide on the final effect and whether the make-up you test during this session fully meets your requirements.
MEDIDERMA – MELSPEEL R – an iconic anti-aging regenerative treatment for mature skin. Really brightens the skin. Toning. If you need that ‘WOW!” effect for a big event from a single treatment quickly, this is for you. However, a series of sessions in combination with microneedling will bring longer-lasting results.
Results: smoother, brighter skin; fine lines and wrinkles reduced. Pores are less visible and skin is tighter and firmer.
Skin reaction: slight redness, feeling of tightness. In the first few days following the treatment there may be some light shedding of skin, and skin may be temporarily more sensitive.
COLD CREAM MARINE RITUAL REGENERUJĄCO-ODŻYWCZY ZABIEG DLA SKÓRY SUCHEJ I WRAŻLIWEJ – odwodnienie skóry jest spowodowane uszkodzeniem płaszcza hydro-lipidowego. Dehydratacja jest przyczyną nadmiernego przesuszania się skóry, co powoduje dyskomfort, napięcie, pękanie, pieczenie i powstawanie drobnych mikro-urazów. Rozwiązaniem Thalgo jest rytuał na bazie kosmetyków z unikalną, udoskonaloną recepturą Cold Cream Marine dla zapewnienia długotrwałego odżywienia, nawilżenia i ukojenia delikatnej, suchej i wrażliwej skórze oraz zwiększenia jej progu tolerancji.
HYALU-PROCOLLAGENE WRINKLE-CORRECTING RITUAL WYGŁADZAJĄCO-WYPEŁNIAJĄCY ZABIEG – pierwszy przeciwzmarszczkowy zabieg THALGO łączący w sobie 3 rodzaje kwasu hialuronowego i morski prokolagen z użyciem Roller Boosters dla widocznego efektu już od 1 zabiegu. Usuwa wszelkie oznaki starzenia się skóry i precyzyjnie wypełnia zmarszczki, nawet te utrwalone. Błyskawiczny efekt zapewniają 3 rodzaje kwasu hialuronowego (małe, średnie i duże molekuły), które nawilżają i wygładzają skórę, stymulują produkcję kwasu hialuronowego w naskórku i aktywują odnowę komórkową. Małe molekuły kwasu hialuronowego i morski prokolagen aktywują syntezę kolagenu typu I, III i IV oraz kwasu hialuronowego, aby stopniowo wypełniać zmarszczki, które z czasem stają się coraz wyraźniejsze i trwałe. Specjalnie opracowany masaż Dermastim+ z użyciem specjalnych rolek masujących sprawia, że skóra jest wyraźnie gładsza, wypełniona i wygląda młodziej.
SPIRULINE BOOST SMOOTHING DETOXIFYING TREATMENT WYGŁADZAJĄCO-DOTLENIAJĄCY ZABIEG NA BAZIE SPIRULINY – Zdrowy i młody wygląd skóry zależy od jej odporności na agresywne czynniki zewnętrzne. Pierwsze oznaki starzenia pojawiają się ok 25 roku życia. Natomiast, życie w mieście (zanieczyszczenie, zmęczenie, stres) przyśpiesza przedwczesne starzenie się skóry. W rzeczywistości 80% starzenia jest spowodowane przez stres środowiskowy. To sprzyja stresowi oksydacyjnemu, który wytwarza wolne rodniki i toksyny w skórze. Utrzymujące się zmęczenie fizyczne i komórkowe sprzyja obniżeniu metabolizmu energetycznego. Ciało gorzej się regeneruje, a skóra staje się zmęczona i mniej odporna: traci blask i zdrowy koloryt, pojawiają się zmarszczki. Zabieg na bazie spiruliny jest prawdziwym zastrzykiem energii, który sprawia, że skóra jest gładka, wypoczęta, dotleniona i pełna blasku, a drobne zmarszczki mimiczne są wygładzone.